The Principal

It is with great pleasure that I interact with you through this platform as I humbly welcome you, your child, relative or even a friend to consider enrolling at Njoro Technical Training Institute to pursue a life changing career of choice.
Njoro TTI is a Public TVET institution fully registered and accredited by TVETA to offer Technical and Business courses and is currently mentored by Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology as it discharges this similar mandate.
The Institute opened its doors to public on January, 2023 and saw its inaugural class enrolled.
The Government of Kenya has earmarked the Institute to be Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Engineering and is in the process of equipping it with the requisite infrastructure to actualise it.
In the intervening period the institute has rolled out an array of market driven courses to empower the learners with necessary skills and attitude to face the current work industry either as employed or self-employed graduate as we seek to industrialise Kenyan economy by 2030.
Welcome ONE, welcome ALL.