Welcoming Message From the Deputy Principal

I am delighted to join Njoro TTI as the first Deputy Principal from the month of May 2023.
In response to the needs of industry, Njoro TTI commences the training of TVET Students from the month of January 2023.
This is in cognizant of TVET Institutions being well placed in training skilled and entrepreneurial workforce that Kenya needs in order to implement the Big Four Agenda, create wealth and attain Vision 2030.
The college has successfully gone through assessment for accreditation by TVET Authority, this culminated into the official Registration and Licensing to commence TVET CDACC, TVET KNEC and short courses programmes.
Thus, Njoro is your number one TVET centre of Excellence for your training endeavors
I wish you the very best as you undergo your training to impact the world.
Deputy Principal.
Mrs. Tabitha Mbuthia Githaiga