About Us

Njoro TTI is located approximately 2 km along Njoro Boys- Rumwe Road off Poly Road in a serene environment that is highly conducive for learning.
It was conceptualized and brought into existence by the area leaders of Njoro Constituency led by the area Member of National Assembly, Hon. Charity K. Chepkwony who fronted the idea to the current President of the Republic of Kenya, H.E. Dr. William Samoei Ruto, who was then the Deputy President in a church function in 2018 and agreed to co-fund the project through NG-CDF with the National Government (GoK) and donated the land on which the institute sits on.
The institute is Public TVET institution fully registered by TVETA to offer market driven Technical and Business courses and currently mentored by The Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology (RVIST).
The pioneer class of 2023 enrolled in January and the Institute projects to have Jan, May and September intakes of every year as space allows.
Welcome to Njoro TTI, a one stop destination for your Technical and Business training.